

16th March 2020

Coronavirus/COVID-19 Statement

UPDATED 2nd October 2020 | 11:00am In the light of the current coronavirus, Covid-19, situation I wanted to reassure you that the health and well-being of both our guests and…
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3rd March 2020

From seed to service – the Potager Garden diary

March 2020 Is anyone else desperately craving the end to the rain? The potager garden is starting to struggle under the weight of all this wind and rain – how…
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7th February 2020

From seed to service – the Potager Garden diary

February 2020 This month’s blog officially marks the one-year anniversary of our idle chit chat. So much as changed since those heady days of blog number one – for example,…
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8th January 2020

From seed to service – the Potager Garden diary

January 2020 Firstly, Happy New Year. Secondly, now is the time to multiply and conquer! It is true that life on the Crouchers vegetable plot is quiet – save for…
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2nd December 2019

From seed to service – the Potager Garden diary

December 2019 One of the best things about gardening is that you are learning all the time, and I don’t mean in a “sit down at the back of the…
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1st November 2019

From seed to service – the Potager Garden diary

November 2019 It’s November, so settle an argument for me – what is the best thing to do with fallen leaves? Should you leave (no pun intended) them be, or…
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1st October 2019

From seed to service – the Potager Garden diary

October 2019 If you’re anything like us in the potager garden, you’ve spent the past month desperately trying to keep up with the incessant harvesting – and then finding new…
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3rd September 2019

From seed to service – the Potager Garden diary

September 2019 Before I get into some nitty gritty, I have to say thank you to the increasingly large number of hotel guests who have been coming down to the…
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1st August 2019

From seed to service – the Potager Garden diary

August 2019 Isn’t this sunny weather delicious? It’s around this time when everyone constantly reminds me how lucky I am to work outside rather than in a sweaty office. I…
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2nd July 2019

From seed to service – the Potager Garden diary

July 2019 This month I have three things to discuss: slugs, leeks and sweet peas. But before then, the latest from the Potager garden is that we’re supplying the Potager…
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30th May 2019

From seed to service – the Potager Garden diary

June 2019 You find me writing this on a wet Wednesday afternoon, with a cup of warming tea at my side and Martha, our tabby cat, on my lap –…
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15th May 2019

From seed to service – the Potager Garden diary

May 2019 It’s time to draw the battle lines – why? I’ll tell you why: because last week I spotted my first white cabbage butterfly of the season. It seems…
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9th April 2019

From seed to service – the Potager Garden diary

April 2019 If you’ve been lucky enough to enjoy dinner in the conservatory of our potager restaurant, not only would you have been looking over a wonderful fledgling display of…
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Luxe room four poster bed
24th February 2016

Wake up to National Bed Month!

It’s true! Every year on 1st March, the National Sleep Council launch their National Bed Month – 31 days dedicated to advice and awareness highlighting the importance of a good…
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Black Tie occasion
AdviceEventsFood & drink
20th January 2016

A Black Tie occasion – the low-down on dressing up

We all love an invitation to a ‘black tie’ event. After all, not only is it a fabulous opportunity to get dressed up, but the sometimes challenging decision about what…
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Christmas party table
23rd December 2015

A Merry Christmas from Crouchers!

We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our guests past and present a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, prosperous New Year. Please note, the hotel and…
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AdviceSummer holiday
21st August 2015

How to beat the post-holiday blues

So you’ve just been on the holiday of a lifetime – cocktail in hand, the sound of waves caressing the beach, being able to spend all day reading. But now…
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AdviceSummer holiday
13th August 2015

How to pack effectively for a holiday

The holidays are now in full swing and we’re sure that the majority of you have been enjoying some of the lovely weather that we have been experiencing. Along with…
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16th July 2015

What’s on in Chichester? July Edition

Got a trip planned to Chichester in the next few weeks? Chichester is a brilliant place to visit, and there is always a variety of events taking place across each…
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8th May 2015

How to get the best out of your stay

When it comes to choosing a good hotel for your trip, it’s always good to find one that completely suits your needs. So how can you get the most out…
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